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kind: Export the kubeconfig or the logs.
$ kind export ${select}
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The command "kind export ${select}" is made up of two parts: the "kind export" command and the "${select}" variable.

  1. kind export: This is a command used in the Kubernetes ecosystem with the "kind" tool. "kind" stands for Kubernetes in Docker and is used to create and manage local Kubernetes clusters. The "export" subcommand is used to export a cluster's configuration information.

  2. ${select}: This is a variable that represents a specific cluster or selection of configuration information. The value of this variable could be a cluster name or any other identifier used to select a specific cluster or configuration.

Putting it all together, the command "kind export ${select}" is used to export the configuration information of a specific cluster or selection in the Kubernetes ecosystem using the "kind" tool. The resulting export can be used to import the configuration into another Kubernetes cluster or to perform various administrative tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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