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kinit: Specify a different principal name to authenticate as.
$ kinit -p ${principal@REALM}
try on your machine

The command kinit -p ${principal@REALM} is used to obtain and cache a Kerberos ticket for a specified principal in a specific realm.

Here's how the command can be broken down:

  • kinit is the Kerberos command-line utility used to obtain and manage Kerberos tickets. It is short for "Kerberos Initialization".

  • The -p option specifies that the following argument is the principal for which a ticket is being requested. A principal is a unique identity associated with an entity (user, service, etc.) in an Kerberos authentication system.

  • ${principal@REALM} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual principal and realm. The realm is the name of the Kerberos authentication domain.

  • The command will attempt to authenticate the principal and obtain a ticket for it. Once authenticated, the ticket is saved in the Kerberos ticket cache on the local machine, allowing the user or process to authenticate against Kerberos-protected services without entering their credentials again.

In summary, the kinit -p ${principal@REALM} command is used to authenticate a principal and obtain a Kerberos ticket for it, which can be used for subsequent authentications within the specified realm.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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