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kinit: Specify a total renewable lifetime for the ticket.
$ kinit -r ${1w}
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The command "kinit -r ${1w}" is used to obtain or renew a Kerberos ticket for a user.

Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • "kinit" is a command-line tool in Kerberos that is used to authenticate a user and obtain a Kerberos ticket. It prompts the user for their password, and upon successful authentication, it retrieves a ticket from the Key Distribution Center (KDC).

  • "-r" is an option/parameter for the "kinit" command. It is used to renew a Kerberos ticket instead of obtaining a new one. This is helpful when the ticket validity period is about to expire, and you want to extend its duration without re-authenticating.

  • "${1w}" is a shell variable used to specify the ticket renewal duration. In this case, "1w" represents 1 week. So, the ticket will be renewed for a week, extending its validity period.

Overall, the command "kinit -r ${1w}" is essentially used to renew the Kerberos ticket without requiring the user to re-enter their password, extending the ticket's duration by 1 week in this instance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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