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kitty: Start the theme-chooser builtin.
$ kitty +kitten themes
try on your machine

The command "kitty +kitten themes" is used with the "kitty" terminal emulator to enable the additional "kitten" features related to themes.

The "kitty" terminal emulator is a modern, feature-rich terminal application used in various Unix-like systems. It offers advanced functionalities and customizable options.

When the "+kitten themes" option is added to the "kitty" command, it enables the specific "kitten" features related to themes. These features allow users to customize and change the appearance of their terminal emulator using different themes. By enabling this option, the user gains access to additional theme-related functionalities within the "kitty" terminal emulator.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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