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kitty: Open a new terminal.
$ kitty
try on your machine

The "kitty" command refers to a terminal emulator application called "kitty." A terminal emulator is a software program that provides a user interface to access and interact with a computer's command-line shell.

Kitty is a popular terminal emulator that is known for its flexibility and performance. It is available for various operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and Windows. The kitty command, when executed, launches the kitty terminal emulator, providing a window in which users can run commands and interact with their system.

Kitty has several features that distinguish it from other terminal emulators. It supports GPU rendering, which enables fast and smooth scrolling, rendering of images and videos, and customizable color schemes. Additionally, kitty supports various keyboard shortcuts, split panes, and tabbed windows, which allow users to work with multiple sessions simultaneously or organize their workspaces efficiently.

In summary, the "kitty" command launches the kitty terminal emulator, providing users with a powerful and customizable command-line interface to interact with their operating system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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