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kjv: Display books.
$ kjv -l
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The command "kjv -l" is not a standard command in most operating systems or programming languages. It seems to be a custom command, likely specific to your system or a particular program you are using.

Without more context or information about the specific program or system you are referring to, it is difficult to provide a precise explanation of what the command does. However, based on the given command, we can make some assumptions:

  1. The command starts with "kjv", which might be an abbreviation for something. Without additional knowledge, it is hard to determine its exact meaning. It could be a reference to "King James Version," which is a popular English translation of the Bible.

  2. The "-l" in the command could be an option or a flag that modifies the behavior of the command. Again, without knowing the specific program or system, it is challenging to determine what this option might do.

To gain a better understanding, you would need to provide more information about the program or system you are using, or consult relevant documentation or support resources.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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