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kjv: Display a specific range of verses of a book from different chapters.
$ kjv ${Matthew} ${1}:${7}-${2}:${6}
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The command kjv ${Matthew} ${1}:${7}-${2}:${6} is a command that uses the "kjv" tool or program to retrieve a particular passage or range of Bible verses from the book of Matthew.

Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  • kjv: This is the command or program being used to access biblical passages.

  • ${Matthew}: This variable represents the book or specific section of the Bible being referenced. In this case, it is the book of Matthew.

  • ${1}:${7}-${2}:${6}: These variables represent the chapter and verse range being requested. The numbers after the "$" sign correspond to the specific input parameters for the command. In this case, it is specifying to retrieve verses starting from chapter 1, verse 7 to chapter 2, verse 6 in the book of Matthew.

By running this command or executing it in a command-line interface, you should see the desired Bible passage or range of verses displayed in the output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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