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knife: Upload a local cookbook to the Chef server.
$ knife cookbook upload ${cookbook_name}
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The command "knife cookbook upload ${cookbook_name}" is a command used in Chef, a configuration management tool.

Chef uses cookbooks to define the infrastructure and application configuration and deployment. A cookbook is a collection of recipes, attributes, templates, and other resources needed to configure and manage a system.

The "knife cookbook upload" command is used to upload a cookbook from the local workstation to the Chef server. The "${cookbook_name}" placeholder is used to specify the name of the cookbook you want to upload.

When you run this command, it searches for the specified cookbook on your local workstation and uploads it to the Chef server. The Chef server then makes the cookbook available for use on the managed nodes within your infrastructure.

This command is handy when you make changes to a cookbook locally and want to update the cookbook on the Chef server, ensuring that the latest version of the cookbook is available for use by nodes in your infrastructure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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