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konsave: List all profiles.
$ konsave --list
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The command "konsave --list" is used to list out all the available KDE Plasma desktop sessions that have been saved using the Konsole Save utility. In more detail, here is the breakdown of the command: - "konsave": It refers to the Konsole Save utility, which is a tool used in KDE Plasma desktop environments to save and manage different desktop sessions.

  • "--list": It is an option/parameter provided to the "konsave" command to instruct it to list out all the available saved desktop sessions. By executing "konsave --list", the command will display a list of all the saved KDE Plasma desktop sessions, which allows the user to choose and load a specific session quickly.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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