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kosmorro: Generate a PDF (note: TeXLive must be installed).
$ kosmorro --format=${pdf} --output=${filename-pdf}
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The command kosmorro --format=${pdf} --output=${filename-pdf} is using the kosmorro tool with certain options and variables. Here's an explanation of the different parts of the command:

  • kosmorro: This is the name of the command or tool being executed. It could be the name of a program or script.
  • --format=${pdf}: This option specifies the format for the output. In this case, it uses the value stored in the variable ${pdf}. The ${pdf} syntax suggests that it's a variable placeholder that will be replaced with an actual value when the command is run.
  • --output=${filename-pdf}: This option determines the output file name. Similarly, it uses the value stored in the variable ${filename-pdf} as the name. Again, the ${filename-pdf} syntax suggests it's another variable placeholder.

The exact meanings and values of the ${pdf} and ${filename-pdf} variables would need to be defined elsewhere in the script or system where this command is being used. Their values could be specific file formats or names relevant to the context in which the command is executed.

To summarize, the command is likely a part of a script or program, where kosmorro is being invoked with particular options to format the output as a PDF file and specify the output file name. The specific values for format and output file name are expected to be provided through the ${pdf} and ${filename-pdf} variables.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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