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krita: Open specific files.
$ krita ${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided is incomplete as it seems to have a syntax error with the curly brackets. However, assuming it is meant to be a command line command for executing the Krita software, here is a possible explanation:

The command "krita" is the executable name of the Krita application. It is used to launch the Krita software on a command line interface.

"${path-to-image1 path-to-image2 ---}" represents the command-line arguments that can be passed to Krita when launching it. These arguments indicate the paths to the image files that you want to open in Krita. It seems to be using the syntax "${...}" which suggests that the rest of the arguments are optional.

For example, if you have two image files named "image1.png" and "image2.png" located in a certain directory, you would replace "path-to-image1" and "path-to-image2" with the actual paths to those files on your computer.

After properly providing the paths, you should be able to run the command and it will launch Krita with the specified image files open, allowing you to edit and manipulate them within the software.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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