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krita: Start without a splash screen.
$ krita --nosplash
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The command "krita --nosplash" is used to launch the Krita software application without displaying the usual splash screen.

When you execute the command "krita," the software initializes itself by performing various tasks like loading resources, initializing plugins, and creating the user interface. During this initialization process, a splash screen is typically displayed to show the progress and inform the user that the program is launching.

However, by appending the "--nosplash" option to the command, you are instructing Krita to skip the display of the splash screen. This can be useful if you want to launch Krita quickly without the delay caused by showing the splash screen. It can be particularly helpful if you frequently use Krita and want to save some time when opening the application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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