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kscreen-console: Show all outputs and configuration files to attach to a bug report.
$ kscreen-console bug
try on your machine

The command "kscreen-console bug" is used to report a bug or issue related to the KScreen module in KDE Plasma. KScreen is responsible for managing display settings, such as display resolution, orientation, and multiple monitor setups.

By running the "kscreen-console bug" command, you are launching a command-line tool specific to KScreen that helps you report bugs. This tool collects relevant information about your display configuration and logs any errors or issues you may be experiencing. It generates a bug report that can be submitted to the KDE bug tracking system to help developers identify and fix the problem.

Overall, this command is used to assist in the process of troubleshooting and reporting bugs related to KScreen in KDE Plasma.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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