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kube-fzf: Exec into a pod's container.
$ execpod ${shell_command}
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The command execpod ${shell_command} is typically used in a script or a command-line interface where ${shell_command} is a placeholder for an actual shell command.

Here's how the command works:

  1. The ${shell_command} placeholder is replaced with the desired shell command. For example, if ${shell_command} is replaced with ls -l, the command would become execpod ls -l.

  2. The execpod command is executed, which is likely a custom command or a wrapper around the kubectl exec command. This command allows you to run a shell command inside a running pod in a Kubernetes cluster.

  3. The execpod command connects to the specified pod and executes the shell command provided in ${shell_command}.

For example, if the command is execpod ls -l, it would execute the ls -l command inside the specified pod, displaying the detailed listing of files and directories.

Overall, the execpod ${shell_command} command is used to execute shell commands within a running pod in a Kubernetes cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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