The "kubeadm reset" command is used to revert a Kubernetes control plane node back to its initial state, removing all the installed components and configurations that were created during the "kubeadm init" command. It is typically used when there is a need to start fresh with a clean state or when there is a desire to reconfigure the control plane.
When the "kubeadm reset" command is executed, it performs the following actions:
- Stops and removes the running kubelet and Kubernetes control plane components.
- Deletes all the previously created Kubernetes configurations and manifests.
- Resets Kubernetes configuration files back to their original state, typically removing the cluster-specific information.
- If specified, reverts any changes made to the iptables rules on the host machine by the kubeadm tool.
Note that the command only affects the control plane node on which it is executed. It does not affect worker nodes, and it should not be used on worker nodes.
After running "kubeadm reset" on a control plane node, the node can be reconfigured or re-joined to an existing cluster by running the appropriate "kubeadm init" or "kubeadm join" commands again.