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kubeadm: Check if the Kubernetes cluster is upgradeable and which versions are available.
$ kubeadm upgrade plan
try on your machine

The command "kubeadm upgrade plan" is used in Kubernetes to display a detailed plan for upgrading the control plane components of a Kubernetes cluster.

When executed, the command will analyze the current state of the Kubelet configuration and the Kubeadm cluster configuration. It will compare the installed version of the control plane components with the latest stable version available.

The output provides information regarding the versions of Kubernetes control plane components (such as the API server, controller manager, and scheduler) that are currently installed, as well as the versions that are available for upgrade.

The plan also includes any detected migration operations required to upgrade the control plane to the latest version. This may include information about changes to the configuration files or any other steps that should be taken into account during the upgrade process.

The "kubeadm upgrade plan" command is useful for administrators and operators who want to get an overview of the upgrade process and understand the steps involved in upgrading their Kubernetes cluster's control plane components. It allows them to evaluate the changes that will be made during the upgrade and plan accordingly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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