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List of commands for kubectl-get:

  • kubectl-get:tldr:173b2 kubectl-get: Get deployments in a specified namespace.
    $ kubectl get deployments -n ${namespace}
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  • kubectl-get:tldr:4d08c kubectl-get: Get services in a specified namespace.
    $ kubectl get services -n ${namespace}
    try on your machine
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  • kubectl-get:tldr:78a9f kubectl-get: Get pods in a specified namespace.
    $ kubectl get pods -n ${namespace}
    try on your machine
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  • kubectl-get:tldr:877b9 kubectl-get: Get all resources in a specified namespace.
    $ kubectl get all -n ${namespace}
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  • kubectl-get:tldr:8f97f kubectl-get: Get all namespaces in the current cluster.
    $ kubectl get namespaces
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  • kubectl-get:tldr:ab6ae kubectl-get: Get nodes in a specified namespace.
    $ kubectl get nodes -n ${namespace}
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  • kubectl-get:tldr:d66df kubectl-get: Get Kubernetes objects defined in a YAML manifest.
    $ kubectl get -f ${path-to-manifest-yaml}
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