The command "kubectl cluster-info" is used to display information related to the current Kubernetes cluster. When this command is executed, it provides several details about the cluster, including:
Kubernetes master: It displays the URL and other relevant information about the Kubernetes master node, which is the central control plane for the cluster.
Kubernetes API server: It shows the URL and other details related to the API server of the Kubernetes cluster. The API server is responsible for processing and managing API requests from client tools like kubectl.
Kubernetes KubeDNS: It provides information about the DNS service used within the cluster for service discovery. KubeDNS enables easy communication between different components and services running on the cluster.
Cluster version: It specifies the version of Kubernetes currently running on the cluster, which helps in determining compatibility and identifying the features available.
By executing "kubectl cluster-info," cluster administrators and developers can quickly obtain vital information about the cluster, such as API endpoints, version, and DNS details, to troubleshoot issues or verify the cluster's health.