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kubectx: Delete a named context.
$ kubectx -d ${name}
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This command is a combination of two separate commands: "kubectx" and "-d ${name}".

  1. "kubectx" is a command-line tool used to switch between different Kubernetes contexts. A Kubernetes context defines a set of cluster resources that may include specific clusters, users, and namespaces. The "kubectx" command allows you to easily switch the current context you are working with.

  2. "-d ${name}" is an option provided to the "kubectx" command. This option is used to delete a specific Kubernetes context. The "${name}" is a placeholder for the actual name of the context you want to delete. You would replace "${name}" with the name of the context you wish to remove.

So, when you run the command "kubectx -d ${name}", it will delete the Kubernetes context specified by the name provided after the "-d" option.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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