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kubens: Change the active namespace.
$ kubens ${name}
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The command "kubens ${name}" is typically used in the context of Kubernetes (K8s) command-line management tools, such as kubectl.

This command allows you to switch between different namespaces in a Kubernetes cluster. A namespace is a virtual cluster within a Kubernetes cluster that allows you to group and isolate resources. It acts as a logical boundary to manage and organize resources efficiently.

In the command "kubens ${name}", "${name}" refers to the parameter that should be replaced with the desired namespace name. For example, if you have namespaces named "development", "production", and "testing", you can use the command "kubens development" to switch to the "development" namespace.

Once you switch to a specific namespace using this command, any subsequent Kubernetes commands that you run (such as kubectl get pods), will operate within that particular namespace. It allows you to focus on a specific subset of resources and perform actions within that context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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