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List events for a single Kubernetes pod
$ kubectl get event --namespace ${namespace} --field-selector${pod_name}
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This command is used with the kubectl command-line tool to retrieve events related to a specific Kubernetes pod within a specific namespace. Here's a breakdown of the command:

kubectl get event: This is the base command to retrieve events in Kubernetes.

--namespace ${namespace}: This flag specifies the namespace where the pod is located. Replace ${namespace} with the actual name of the namespace you want to target.

--field-selector${pod_name}: This flag is used to filter events based on the field. The involvedObject field in the event object refers to the Kubernetes object (such as a pod) that the event is associated with. By setting to ${pod_name}, the command will only retrieve events where the given pod_name matches the involved pod's name.

You need to replace ${pod_name} with the actual name of the pod you want to retrieve events for.

In summary, the command retrieves events related to a specific pod (${pod_name}) within a specific namespace (${namespace}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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