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Run a Bash command within a Kubernetes pod
$ kubectl exec -it --namespace=${namespace} ${pod_name} -- bash -c "${bash_command}"
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This command is used to execute a command inside a running Kubernetes pod.

  • kubectl exec is the command used to execute commands in a pod.
  • -it flag enables interactive mode and attaches the input/output stream of the pod's container to the terminal.
  • --namespace=${namespace} specifies the namespace in which the pod is running. The variable ${namespace} should be replaced with the actual namespace.
  • ${pod_name} is the name of the pod in which the command should be executed. The variable ${pod_name} should be replaced with the actual pod name.
  • -- is used to separate the kubectl exec command from the command to be executed inside the pod.
  • bash -c "${bash_command}" is the command to be executed inside the pod. The variable ${bash_command} should be replaced with the actual command to be executed.

By running this command, you will be able to execute the specified ${bash_command} inside the specified ${pod_name} container, within the given ${namespace}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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