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List of commands for kwriteconfig5:

  • kwriteconfig5:ai:042c2 Change brightness in kscreenlockerrc configuration file for the Greeter group
    $ kwriteconfig5 --file kscreenlockerrc --group Greeter --key Brightness --type 'int' -- 1 (change '1' with desired value)
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  • kwriteconfig5:tldr:16eff kwriteconfig5: Delete a key.
    $ kwriteconfig5 --group ${group_name} --key ${key} --delete
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  • kwriteconfig5:tldr:260a5 kwriteconfig5: Set a global configuration key.
    $ kwriteconfig5 --group ${group_name} --key ${key} ${value}
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  • kwriteconfig5:tldr:9a21a kwriteconfig5: Set a key in a specific configuration file.
    $ kwriteconfig5 --file ${filename} --group ${group_name} --key ${key} ${value}
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  • kwriteconfig5:tldr:eb954 kwriteconfig5: Display help.
    $ kwriteconfig5 --help
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