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laravel-zero: Create a new Laravel Zero application.
$ laravel-zero new ${name}
try on your machine

The command laravel-zero new ${name} is used to create a new Laravel Zero project with a specified name.

Laravel Zero is a micro-framework that provides a stripped-down version of Laravel specifically designed for building console applications or command-line tools. It provides a simple and elegant way to create command-line applications using Laravel's core components.

The ${name} is a placeholder that represents the desired name of the project. You need to replace it with your desired name when executing the command. For example, if you want to create a project named "my-app", you would run laravel-zero new my-app.

When you run this command, Laravel Zero will download the necessary dependencies and set up a new project in a directory with the specified name. It will generate a basic structure including configuration files, the main console application file, routes, and a few example commands. You can then start building your console application by creating additional commands or modifying the existing ones.

Overall, the laravel-zero new ${name} command is the starting point for creating a new Laravel Zero project with a specific name, allowing you to quickly set up a console application using Laravel's powerful features.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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