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last: Specify how many of the last logins to show.
$ last -n ${login_count}
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The command "last -n ${login_count}" is used to display a certain number of last logged-in users.

The "last" command is a tool in Unix-like systems (including Linux) that shows a list of previously logged-in users. It provides information such as the user's login name, the terminal from which they logged in, the date and time of their login, and the duration of their session.

The "-n" option is used to specify the number of last logged-in users to display. In this case, ${login_count} is a placeholder that is expected to be replaced with an actual numeric value. For example, if ${login_count} is set to 5, the command will display the last 5 logged-in users.

Overall, the command "last -n ${login_count}" helps in retrieving a list of recently logged-in users, which can be useful for system administrators or for monitoring user activities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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