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ld: Link two object files together.
$ ld ${filename1-o} ${filename2-o} --output ${path-to-output_executable}
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The given command is a form of the "ld" command, which is typically used to link object files and libraries together to create an executable file.

Here's the breakdown of the command and its components:

  1. "ld": This is the command itself, invoking the linker program called "ld".

  2. "${filename1-o}": This is a placeholder that represents the first input object file to be linked. The "-o" flag indicates that the following argument is the filename for the output object file.

  3. "${filename2-o}": Similarly, this is a placeholder for the second input object file.

  4. "--output": This flag is used to specify the output file for the resulting executable.

  5. "${path-to-output_executable}": This is the placeholder for the desired path where the output executable file should be generated.

So, by using this command, the linker "ld" will take the object files specified by the placeholders "${filename1}" and "${filename2}", then link them together to produce an executable file. The resulting executable will be saved at the location specified by "${path-to-output_executable}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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