This command is using the ldapsearch tool to search for LDAP entries that have the attribute "displayName" and are a member of the group with the name "group1". Here is an explanation of each parameter used:
ldapsearch: The name of the tool being used to perform the LDAP search.
-D '${admin_DN}': Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the user that will be used to bind to the LDAP server. The value '${admin_DN}' is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual DN.
-w '${password}': Specifies the password for the user defined in the -D parameter. The value '${password}' is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual password.
-h ${ldap_host}: Specifies the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server to connect to. The value ${ldap_host} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual server host.
-b ${base_ou}: Specifies the base distinguished name (DN) to start the search from. The value ${base_ou} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual base DN.
'${memberOf=group1}': Specifies the search filter. In this case, it is looking for entries that are members of a group with the name "group1". The value '${memberOf=group1}' is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual group name.
-z 5: Limits the number of search results returned to 5. The value 5 can be replaced with any desired limit.
displayName: Specifies the attribute to retrieve for the search results. In this case, it is the "displayName" attribute.