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ledger: Print a budget report.
$ ledger budget
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The "ledger budget" command is used in the context of the Ledger command-line accounting system.

Ledger is a powerful, text-based accounting tool that allows users to track and manage their finances using plain-text files. The "budget" command is one of the many subcommands available in Ledger.

When you run the "ledger budget" command, it generates a budget report based on the transactions recorded in your Ledger journal file. This report provides a breakdown of your income and expenses for a specified period, usually on a monthly basis.

The budget report is helpful for understanding how you are managing your finances, as it allows you to compare your actual income and expenses against your planned or target budget. It highlights any discrepancies or deviations, helping you make informed decisions about your spending habits.

To use the "ledger budget" command, you typically need to have a Ledger journal file set up with your financial transactions recorded. You can specify the period for which you want the budget report generated, and Ledger will analyze the transactions within that timeframe to generate the report.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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