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ledger: Print total Expenses other than Drinks and Food.
$ ledger balance ${Expenses} and not (${Drinks} or ${Food})
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This command is an example of a command used in a ledger accounting system.

In this command, "ledger balance" is a function or command that is being executed. It is used to calculate the balance of a specific account in the ledger.

The account being referred to is specified as ${Expenses}. The balance of the Expenses account will be calculated.

The part "not (${Drinks} or ${Food})" is a condition or filter being applied to the calculation. It means that the balance should be calculated for the Expenses account, excluding any entries that are categorized under the Drinks or Food accounts.

In summary, this command is used to calculate the balance of the Expenses account in a ledger, excluding any entries categorized as Drinks or Food.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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