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legit: Remove a branch from the remote server.
$ git unpublish ${branch_name}
try on your machine

The command git unpublish ${branch_name} is not a standard Git command. It appears to be a custom command or function defined by the user or the project you are working on. Therefore, its exact functionality would depend on how it has been implemented.

In Git, there is no built-in command called unpublish. However, based on common Git conventions, a hypothetical implementation of git unpublish could be intended to remove a specific branch from the remote repository. This hypothetical command might perform the following steps:

  1. Identify the name of the branch to be unpublished by using ${branch_name}. The ${branch_name} is a placeholder where you should replace it with the actual name of the branch you wish to unpublish.

  2. Check if the specified branch exists locally. If it doesn't, the command would likely display an error message or exit gracefully with a message indicating that the branch does not exist.

  3. Check if the specified branch also exists on the remote repository. If it doesn't exist on the remote, it might display a message indicating that the branch has already been unpublished or return gracefully.

  4. If the branch exists on the remote, the command might perform the necessary steps to remove it. This could involve using the git push command with specific options to delete the branch on the remote repository. The specific options or additional steps could vary depending on the preferred workflow or setup of the project.

This is a hypothetical explanation since the git unpublish command is not a standard Git command, and its actual functionality can only be determined by checking its implementation in the specific project or by consulting the project's documentation or additional context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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