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legit: List all branches and their publication status.
$ git branches ${glob_pattern}
try on your machine

The command "git branches ${glob_pattern}" is not a valid git command. However, assuming you meant "git branch", let's explain its usage:

The "git branch" command is used to perform various operations related to branches in a Git repository. Here is the general syntax of the command:

git branch [options] [branch_name]

The "branch_name" argument is optional, and if provided, it creates a new branch with the specified name.

Some common options used with "git branch" are:

  • "-a" or "--all": Displays all branches, including remote branches.
  • "-d" or "--delete": Deletes the specified branch.
  • "-m" or "--move": Renames the current branch or renames the specified branch to a new name.
  • "-r" or "--remote": Displays remote branches.

Now, let's assume you intended to use the command with a glob pattern:

git branch ${glob_pattern}

In this case, the "glob_pattern" is a wildcard pattern that can be used to match branch names. Git supports glob patterns for branch names using standard shell-style patterns:

  • "*" matches any series of characters (including no characters).
  • "?" matches any single character.
  • "[abc]" matches any character from the given set.
  • "[abcdefghijk]" matches any single character from the given set.

For example, if you run "git branch feature-*", it will list all branches starting with "feature-". Similarly, "git branch bug-?[0-9]" will list branches with names like "bug-1", "bug-2", ..., "bug-9".

By using glob patterns with the "git branch" command, you can filter and work with multiple branches at once based on their names.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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