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less: Page down / up.
$ (down), b (up)
try on your machine

The command " (down), b (up)" refers to keyboard inputs on a computer or typewriter.

"" refers to pressing the spacebar key. When it is followed by "(down)", it means that you need to press and hold the spacebar key. The spacebar key is typically used to create a space between characters or words.

"b" refers to the letter "b" key on the keyboard. When it is followed by "(up)", it means that you need to release the "b" key after pressing and holding it. The letter "b" is simply a specific key on the keyboard.

Therefore, the command " (down), b (up)" would involve pressing and holding the spacebar key and then pressing and releasing the letter "b" key. The exact purpose or significance of this specific command may depend on the context or the application you are using.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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