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lex: Specify the output file.
$ lex -t ${analyzer-l} > ${analyzer-c}
try on your machine

This command is running the "lex" command with the argument "-t" and two variables (${analyzer-l} and ${analyzer-c}).

The lex command is a lexical analyzer or scanner generator. It takes as input a description of tokens or patterns and generates code for a lexical analyzer that can recognize and tokenize those patterns in an input text.

The argument "-t" is an option for the lex command which directs it to output the generated C code to the standard output instead of creating a C file.

The two variables (${analyzer-l} and ${analyzer-c}) are likely to be file paths or names that are provided as input to the lex command. The "> ${analyzer-c}" part redirects the standard output of the lex command to a file specified by the ${analyzer-c} variable.

In summary, this command is utilizing the lex tool to process a lexical analyzer description and generate C code, which is then redirected to a specific file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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