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light-arionum-cli: Display information about a specific transaction.
$ light-arionum-cli transaction ${transaction_id}
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The command "light-arionum-cli transaction ${transaction_id}" is used to retrieve information about a specific transaction in the Arionum blockchain using the Arionum Command Line Interface (CLI) tool with a light mode configuration.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • "light-arionum-cli": Refers to the Arionum CLI tool configured to work in light mode. Arionum is a blockchain platform and this tool helps interact with the Arionum blockchain via the command line.
  • "transaction": Specifies the type of operation to perform on the Arionum blockchain; in this case, it means retrieving transaction information.
  • "${transaction_id}": This is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with a specific transaction ID. The transaction ID is a unique identifier for a particular transaction within the Arionum blockchain. You would replace "${transaction_id}" with the actual ID of the transaction you want to retrieve information about.

By executing this command with a valid transaction ID, you will be able to view details and data related to that particular transaction from the Arionum blockchain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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