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lighthouse: Display help.
$ lighthouse --help
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The command "lighthouse --help" is used to display the help menu or the available options and commands for the Lighthouse tool.

Lighthouse is an open-source automated tool developed by Google that helps developers improve the performance, accessibility, progressive web app features, and best practices of their websites or web applications. It audits web pages and generates comprehensive reports highlighting areas that need attention and optimization.

By running the "lighthouse --help" command in the terminal or command prompt, you can see a list of available options and commands that can be used with Lighthouse. These options allow you to customize and refine your audits to suit your specific needs. Some common options may include:

  • --help: Displays the help menu with available options and commands.
  • --url: Specifies the URL of the web page or application to be audited.
  • --output: Specifies the format or destination of the audit report (e.g., html, json, csv).
  • --view: Opens the report in a viewer after the audit is complete.
  • --disable-device-emulation: Disables the device emulation during the audit.
  • --only-categories: Specifies which categories of audits to run (e.g., performance, accessibility, best practices).
  • --config-path: Specifies a custom configuration file for Lighthouse.

This is just a brief explanation, and the specific options and commands available can vary depending on the version of Lighthouse you are using. For more detailed information about each option, it's recommended to refer to the official documentation or run the "lighthouse --help" command to see the complete list.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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