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lilypond: Show the current version of lilypond.
$ lilypond --version
try on your machine

The command "lilypond --version" is used to check the version of the LilyPond music notation software installed on your computer.

LilyPond is a free and open-source software used for creating high-quality sheet music. It uses a text-based input file (with a .ly extension) that contains music notation instructions. The software processes this input file and generates a PDF, MIDI, or other file formats as output, which can be printed or played back.

When you run the command "lilypond --version" in the command line or terminal, it executes the LilyPond program with the "--version" option. This option is specifically designed to display the version information of the LilyPond software. The version number is usually displayed in the command line output, giving you information about the exact version of the LilyPond software installed on your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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