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links: Enable Cookies (`1` to enable).
$ links -enable-cookies ${select} ${https:--example-com}
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The command "links -enable-cookies ${select} ${https:--example-com}" seems to use the "links" command-line web browser to open a webpage with cookie handling enabled.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "links": It refers to the command-line web browser called "links" that allows you to browse websites from the terminal.
  • "-enable-cookies": This flag or option enables cookie handling for the browser. Cookies are small files that websites store on your computer to remember information about your visit or preferences.
  • "${select}": It appears to be a placeholder for a value or variable that should be provided. The actual value for "${select}" is missing from the command you provided, so it's hard to interpret its purpose without context.
  • "${https:--example-com}": Similar to "${select}", it seems to be another placeholder for a URL. However, in this case, it indicates that the browser should open the website "". The "https://" is the protocol prefix, and "" is the domain name or URL of the website you want to visit.

To fully understand the command and its functionality, it would require the missing values for "${select}" and the context in which this command is being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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