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links: Visit a website.
$ links ${https:--example-com}
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The command "links" is a command-line utility used to open and browse webpages from the terminal.

In this specific command, "links" is being used followed by "${https:--example-com}". Here, "${https:--example-com}" is an argument being passed to the "links" command.

It appears that the argument is trying to specify the URL of a webpage. However, the syntax seems incorrect. The "${https:--example-com}" should be written as "-" without the dollar sign and colon. The correct command should be: "links -".

This command will open the webpage with the given URL using the "links" utility in the terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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