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live-server: Serve an `index.html` file and reload on changes.
$ live-server
try on your machine

The "live-server" command typically refers to a lightweight development server that serves static files and provides a live reloading feature.

When this command is executed, it starts the live-server tool, which creates a local web server and hosts your web application or website on a specified port. The live-server also monitors changes in the source files of your project, such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, and automatically reloads the page in the browser whenever a file is modified.

Using the live-server command is a convenient way to see immediate updates to your web project without having to manually refresh the browser each time you make a change. It eliminates the need to set up a separate web server or configure complex build tools.

Typically, you would navigate to the directory containing your project's files in the command line or terminal, and then execute the "live-server" command. It will display the local server address and port (e.g., "") which you can access in your web browser to view your project.

The live-server command may offer additional options for customizing the server behavior, such as specifying a different port or enabling features like proxying or directory listing. You can typically access the available options by using the "--help" flag alongside the command, like "live-server --help".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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