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lli: Execute with command-line arguments.
$ lli ${filename-ll} ${argument1 argument2 ---}
try on your machine

This command is composed of three parts:

  1. lli: This is the name of the command or executable being run. lli stands for "LLVM interpreter" and is a tool used to execute programs compiled into LLVM bitcode. It is commonly used for testing and debugging programs that are written in languages like C or C++ and have been compiled using LLVM.

  2. ${filename-ll}: This part is a variable substitution. It means that the value of the variable filename will be used in place of ${filename-ll}. If filename is not set or empty, it will default to the value ll. So, ${filename-ll} essentially evaluates to the value of the filename variable if it is set, or ll if not.

  3. ${argument1 argument2 ---}: This part consists of command-line arguments passed to the lli command. ${argument1 argument2 ---} means that any number of arguments can be passed to the command. ${argument1} and ${argument2} are placeholders for actual argument values. The --- is used as a separator to indicate the end of options and the beginning of positional arguments.

To summarize, the command lli ${filename-ll} ${argument1 argument2 ---} runs the LLVM interpreter (lli) with a filename and a variable number of arguments. The filename will be either the value of the filename variable or ll if the variable is not set. The specific values of argument1 and argument2 will depend on the context and purpose of the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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