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lli: Load a dynamic library before linking.
$ lli --dlopen=${path-to-library-dll} ${filename-ll}
try on your machine

The command lli --dlopen=${path-to-library-dll} ${filename-ll} is used to execute an LLVM bitcode file (${filename-ll}), while dynamically loading a shared library (${path-to-library-dll}). Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • lli is the command to run the LLVM Interpreter, which allows execution of LLVM bitcode on the host system.
  • --dlopen=${path-to-library-dll} is an argument passed to the lli command. It instructs the LLVM Interpreter to dynamically load a shared library specified by ${path-to-library-dll}.
  • ${path-to-library-dll} should be replaced with the actual path to the shared library file (e.g., /path/to/library.dll or /path/to/
  • ${filename-ll} should be replaced with the actual filename of the LLVM bitcode file you want to execute.

Overall, this command loads the specified shared library and runs the LLVM bitcode file using the LLVM Interpreter.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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