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llvd: Download a [c]ourse using cookie-based authentication.
$ llvd -c ${course-slug} --cookies
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The command "llvd -c ${course-slug} --cookies" is likely used to start a learning video downloader (llvd) with specific options. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "llvd": This is the name or alias of the learning video downloader program. It may be an abbreviation for something like "learning video downloader."
  • "-c": This flag is used to provide a parameter or argument for the command. In this case, it specifies that the following value is the course slug.
  • "${course-slug}": This is a placeholder or variable that should be replaced with the actual course slug. The course slug is likely a unique identifier or code for a specific course or video playlist.
  • "--cookies": This flag is used to indicate that the command should use cookies for authentication or session management. Cookies are small pieces of data stored by a website in a user's web browser and are commonly used for authentication purposes.

Therefore, when you run the given command, you are likely starting the learning video downloader program (llvd) with the course slug provided as an argument, and using cookies for any necessary authentication or session requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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