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llvm-as: Assemble an IR file.
$ llvm-as -o ${path-to-out-bc} ${path-to-source-ll}
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This command is used to convert LLVM assembly files (.ll) into LLVM bitcode files (.bc).

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • llvm-as: This is the command that invokes the LLVM assembler.
  • -o ${path-to-out-bc}: This specifies the output file path for the resulting LLVM bitcode file. ${path-to-out-bc} should be replaced with the desired output file path.
  • ${path-to-source-ll}: This specifies the input file path of the LLVM assembly file that needs to be converted to LLVM bitcode. ${path-to-source-ll} should be replaced with the path to the source .ll file.

So essentially, when you execute this command, it takes the input LLVM assembly file (.ll), as specified by ${path-to-source-ll}, converts it to LLVM bitcode file (.bc), and saves it to the location specified by ${path-to-out-bc}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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