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llvm-lipo: View documentation for the original command.
$ tldr lipo
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The command "tldr lipo" provides a concise summary of information on how to use the "lipo" tool.

The "lipo" tool is a command-line utility provided by Apple's Xcode development toolset. It is primarily used for handling Universal Binary files on macOS systems. Universal Binary files contain executable code that can run on multiple architectures, like both Intel and Apple Silicon processors.

The "lipo" command can perform various operations on Universal Binary files. Some of the common uses include:

  1. Displaying information about the architectures contained in a Universal Binary file.
  2. Extracting specific architectures from a Universal Binary file.
  3. Merging multiple executable files into a single Universal Binary file.
  4. Creating a new Universal Binary file by combining multiple object files.

The "tldr" command is a command-line tool that provides simplified and short explanations of various commands. It stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read." By using "tldr lipo," you can quickly access a brief summary of "lipo" command usage without going through extensive documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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