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lmms: Render with custom samplerate, format, and as a loop.
$ lmms render --samplerate ${88200} --format ${ogg} --loop --output ${path-to-output-file-ogg}
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This command activates the render function in LMMS (Linux Multimedia Studio), a digital audio workstation. It renders a project or a specified track to an audio file. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • lmms render: This is the command to execute the render function in LMMS.
  • --samplerate ${88200}: Specifies the sample rate for the output audio file. In this case, the sample rate is set to 88200 Hz (samples per second).
  • --format ${ogg}: Determines the format of the output audio file. Here, the format is set to Ogg Vorbis, a free and open-source audio codec.
  • --loop: Indicates that the rendered audio should loop (play repeatedly from beginning to end) when played.
  • --output ${path-to-output-file-ogg}: Specifies the path and filename for the output audio file. ${path-to-output-file-ogg} should be replaced with the desired location and name for the file, with the file extension .ogg.

Overall, this command initiates the rendering process in LMMS, configuring the sample rate, output format, looping behavior, and specifying the output file's path and name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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