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lmms: Start the GUI and load external config.
$ lmms --config ${path-to-config-xml}
try on your machine

The command lmms --config ${path-to-config-xml} is used to launch the LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) software with a specified configuration file.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • lmms: This is the command to execute the LMMS software.
  • --config: This option tells LMMS to read the specified configuration file.
  • ${path-to-config-xml}: This is a placeholder representing the actual path to the configuration XML file. You need to replace it with the specific file path on your system.

By providing the path to a configuration XML file, you can customize various settings and preferences of the LMMS software. This includes audio and MIDI devices, plugin paths, GUI options, and more. The XML file contains structured data that defines the desired configuration.

It's important to note that this command assumes you have LMMS installed on your Linux system. If not, you might need to install it first before running this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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