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loadkeys: Load default keymap when an unusual keymap is loaded and `-` sign cannot be found.
$ loadkeys defmap
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The command loadkeys defmap is used to load the default key map in the Linux console.

In Linux, the keymap is a file that defines the mapping between the keys on the keyboard and the characters or actions they produce. It allows the operating system to interpret the input from the keyboard correctly.

The defmap argument specifies the default key map to be loaded. This is usually a file named defmap.kmap.gz stored in a system directory, such as /usr/share/keymaps/.

By running this command, the default key map specified by defmap will be loaded, ensuring that the keyboard input is interpreted correctly in the Linux console.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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