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localectl: Set a system locale variable.
$ localectl set-locale ${LANG}=${en_US-UTF-8}
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The localectl set-locale command is used to set the system's default locale. A locale defines the language, character encoding, and other regional settings for a system.

In the given command, ${LANG} is a placeholder that represents the current value of the LANG environment variable. The LANG variable typically contains the current system locale.

The value en_US-UTF-8 provided after the equal sign (=) specifies the new locale that should be set. In this case, en represents English, US represents the United States, and UTF-8 refers to the Unicode character encoding. So, this command is setting the system's default locale to English (United States) with UTF-8 encoding.

For example, if the value of LANG is currently fr_FR.UTF-8, running the command localectl set-locale ${LANG}=${en_US-UTF-8} will change the system's default locale to English (United States) with UTF-8 encoding.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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