locust: Start locust in master mode.
$ locust --master --host=${http:--example-com}
try on your machine
This command is used to start Locust, which is an open-source load testing tool. Locust simulates users (known as "swarm") that interact with a target website or system, generating a specified number of requests per second to test its performance under heavy loads.
Here's the breakdown of the command:
- "locust" is the command to start the Locust load testing tool.
- "--master" specifies that this instance of Locust will act as the master node in a distributed load testing setup. The master node is responsible for coordinating and aggregating results from slave nodes.
- "--host=${http:--example-com}" sets the target host that Locust will test. This syntax uses environment variables to define the target host URL. In this case, the host URL is set to "". The "--host" flag is used to specify the base URL or host where the Load Test will take place.
To customize the target host URL, you can modify the value after the "--host=" part of the command. For example, "--host=" would set the target host to "".
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.