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locust: Use a different test file.
$ locust --locustfile=${test_file-py} --host=${http:--example-com}
try on your machine

The given command is used to run the Locust load testing tool with specific configurations. Let's break down the components of the command:

  • locust: This is the command to execute the Locust load testing tool.

  • --locustfile=${test_file-py}: This option specifies the Python file containing the Locust test scenarios and configurations. The value ${test_file-py} indicates that the file name can be passed as an argument when running the command. For example, if the test file is named, the command would be

  • --host=${http:--example-com}: This option defines the base URL of the target application that will be tested. The value ${http:--example-com} suggests that the host can be passed as an argument when executing the command. The default value is, but it can be changed by providing a different URL. For instance, --host= would set the target host to

In summary, this command runs the Locust load testing tool, specifies the Python file containing the test scenarios, and sets the target application's base URL.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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